Study at SRISA
- What SRISA offers
- Programs
- Field Trips at SRISA
- Activities
- SRISA Student Show
- SRISA Student Show Summer B 2017
- SRISA Student Show Summer A 2017
- SRISA Student Show Spring 2017
- SRISA Student Show Fall 2016
- SRISA Student Show Summer A 2016
- SRISA Student Show Spring 2016
- SRISA Student Show Fall 2015
- SRISA Student Show Spring 2015
- SRISA Student Show Fall 2014
- SRISA Student Show Spring 2014
- SRISA Student Show Fall 2013
- SRISA Student Show Spring 2013
- SRISA Student Show Fall 2012
- SRISA Fashion Show
- “Botanica” – SRISA Fashion Show Fall 2016
- “Vernissage” – SRISA Fashion Show Fall 2015
- “Fashion’s Greatest Hits!” – SRISA Fashion Show Spring 2015
- “Past Principles” – SRISA Fashion Show Spring 2014
- “Black Garden” – SRISA Fashion Show Fall 2013
- “Sense and Sensibility” – SRISA Fashion Show Spring 2013
- “Seletion naturelle” – SRISA Fashion Show Fall 2012
- “GrafisME” – SRISA Fashion Show Spring 2012
- “MODA D’AUTORE” – SRISA Fashion Show Spring 2011
- Internship Opportunities in Florence and at SRISA
- Guest Lectures and Workshops
- Seminars and Cultural Program
- Volunteer Abroad
- Community Service
- Soccer Match
- Pigotta Project
- Thanksgiving
- SRISA Student Show
- Housing
- Testimonials
- Is SRISA right for you?
- Academics
- Academic Policies
- Request a Syllabus
- Transcripts
- Request a Transcript
- SRISA Faculty
- Departments
- Course Catalog
- 14th Century Italian Literature: Dante, Bocaccio, Petrarca
- Advanced Book Arts
- Advanced Photography: Analog and Digital Photography
- Advanced Studio: Painting and Drawing
- Ancient Roman and Etruscan Civilizations
- Ancient Roman History
- Art History: The Cinquecento
- Art History: The Italian Renaissance
- Art History: The Quattrocento
- Art and Politics
- Art Now: Contemporary Trends in Europe
- Beginning Jewelry
- Beginning Painting
- Book Arts
- Brand Promotion in the Digital Environment
- Clothing and Society
- Contemporary Italy: Literature, Cinema, Politics, and Culture
- Creative Accessories Design
- Creative Writing
- Dante’s Inferno
- Design and Social Movements in History
- Digital Photography
- Discovering Florence Through Photography
- Drawing Florence
- Drawing I
- Drawing II
- Drawing in the Expanded Field
- English Literature: Florence and the Grand Tour
- Experimental Photography
- Fashion Design Studio: Illustration and Construction
- Fashion Illustration I
- Fashion Illustration II
- Fibers in Art
- Figure Drawing
- Florence by Night: Light Painting and Stop Motion Digital Photography
- Florentine Mannerism
- Italian Food and Culture
- Garment Construction I
- Garment Construction II
- Graphic Design Studio
- History of Contemporary Art
- History of Florence
- History of Interiors
- History of Italian Fashion
- History of Italian Mafia
- History of Medieval and Renaissance Florence
- History of Modern Italy
- History of Photography: A Hands-on Approach
- History of Psychology and Psychoanalysis
- History of the Book: A Hands-on Approach
- Independent Study
- Independent Project Photography
- Installation Art
- Interactive Media Design
- Interior Design: Small Spaces Studio
- Intermediate Jewelry
- Introduction to Fashion Merchandising
- Introduction to Photography: Analog and Digital Photography
- Introduction to Sculpture
- Italian Architecture: Romanesque to Gothic
- Italian Cinema
- Italian I
- Italian II
- Italian III
- Italian IV: Italian Culture and Advanced Language
- Italian Politics and Government
- Italians Abroad: History of Italian Migration, 1861 to Present
- Marketing: The Italian Wine Industry
- Material, Light, and Surface
- Michelangelo, Bernini, and Caravaggio
- Monotype Printmaking
- New Genres: Installation, Performance, New Media, and Site Specificity
- New Media Communication: Marketing and Social Media
- Painting Florence
- Painting II
- Painting III
- Patternmaking
- Performance Art
- Printmaking I
- Printmaking II
- Printmaking: Concept and Process
- Printmaking: Expanding the Matrix
- Qui si parla Italiano! Italian Conversation (Beginning Only)
- Renaissance Painting Techniques
- Romanesque to Gothic: Art in Tuscany
- Sculpture: The Medium is the Message
- Self Promotion and Portfolio
- Serigraphy
- Sketchbook Studies: Italian Architecture and Interiors
- Sustainable Clothing and Ethical Fashion
- Textile Design: Batik
- Textile Design: Silkscreen
- The Artist’s Book
- The Economic History of Europe
- The European Union (ISI)
- Printmaking and the Book
- The Italian Fashion Industry
- Travel Writing Workshop
- Trends Forecasting for the Fashion Industry
- Twentieth Century Italian Art
- Typography