@the San Gallo Campus

Instruction & Class structure:

Semester Studio classes meet for two three-hour sessions per week, and students have ample time outside of class time during the week and weekends. Classes consist of lectures, demonstrations, and open studio. During summer sessions classes meet four days per week and students have the same additional access as the semester students.


SRISA supplies most of the required materials with a lab fee. Students purchase their own printing papers, personal tools, and drawing supplies.

Book Art Course fees and Lab information:

The Book Arts Lab located in the Printmaking facilities is open from 9am to 11pm most days and students have access outside of scheduled class-time. Many supplies such as inks, glue, mat-board, and general book arts tools are provided by the school in a kit provided to each student which is covered by the course fee charged to students. Students will be responsible for purchasing paper and other personal supplies not provided in the book arts kit.

Meet the SRISA Team: