Useful Travel Links
- Weekend Student Adventures
This is an online guide that is meant to help you find budget friendly transportation while traveling.
Useful tips about what to pack and what to leave at home when traveling around Europe.
Hostel World gives suggestion on the best and affordable hostel accommodations.
Spotted by Locals provides tips of places to eat, shop, and relax that not many tourist are aware of.
An all in one train ticket that gives you flexible access to most trains across Europe.
A helpful site that gives tips on where to stay, what to do, and how to handle a long layover or cancelled flights.
Flixbus is a budget friendly alternative way of traveling throughout Europe.
- Rome2Rio
Rome2Rio helps plan your holiday by giving estimated pricing, journey durations, and booking details.
Student Universe gives great ideas for last minute travel destinations, packing tips, and staying within a budget.