Course Info:
- Department: Fine Arts
- Areas: Special Programs Design, Special Programs Fine Arts, Special Programs Liberal Arts
- Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 144
- Course Number (SRISA): BUSI 4103 / FDES 4700
- Course Number (Maryville University): ART 499
- Prerequisite: Relevant collegiate coursework and complete SRISA Internship application materials
Course Description:
The SRISA Internship Program provides an invaluable opportunity for SRISA students to study and intern abroad in Florence. Students may intern with a local business in Florence or onsite at the SRISA campus within any of the departments: Fine arts, Liberal Arts, Design.
The internships are unpaid and are offered for 3 credits. Students must work a minimum of 120 hours during the semester, or as required by the home institution. The student’s final grade will be dependent upon their quality of work, timeliness, and accountability.
Students that have some Italian language competency will have more opportunities, however, speaking Italian is not a prerequisite for participation.
To be considered for an internship, students must select "Internship" in their course registration form and submit the specific internship application materials by the enrollment deadline for semesters, by February 15 for summers. For more information see SRISA Internship Opportunities.