Intercultural Communications (ISI)
Course Info:
- Department: Liberal Arts
- Area: Communications
- Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 45
- Course Number (SRISA): COMM 3102
- Course Number (Maryville University): COMM 378
Course Description:
In today’s globalized world, marked by conflicts and increasing processes of distinction, dealing with intercultural differences is a fundamental skill for each human being.
Intercultural Communication deals with the relevance of difference (not only among cultures but also within the same culture).
Given that communication is a complex and multilayered concept, the course will offer a variety of theoretical approaches from different disciplines (sociology, cultural studies, media studies and communication studies) and methods of analysis in order to comprehend the deep and relevant relationship between communication and culture(s).
Students will critically deal with a variety of substantive fields of application of intercultural communication principles: media, fashion, food, tourism, music etc.. In doing so they will analyze the relationship between communication, culture and identity change.
This course runs through SRISA's external partners at ISI. SRISA students may take up to 1 course through an external partner.