Humanism and Humanistic Psychology (ISI)
Course Info:
- Department: Liberal Arts
- Area: Psychology and Sociology
- Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 45
- Course Number (SRISA): PSYC 4105
- Course Number (Maryville University): TBA
- Prerequisite: Intended for Psychology majors
Course Description:
Florence was one of the most important centers of Renaissance Humanism. Florence was also the birthplace of one of the most important theories of Humanistic Psychology: Psychosynthesis.
Both Renaissance Humanism and Humanistic Psychology focus on free will, human motivation, and enhancing individual growth. Renaissance Humanism is a way of thinking and living that emphasizes the actions of human beings. Renaissance Humanism stresses the fact that human beings are capable of changing the world. Similarly, Humanistic Psychology is a psychological perspective that arose in the mid-20th century in response to two theories: Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis and B. F. Skinner’s behaviorism. Abraham Maslow argued that there was a need for a “third force” in psychology.
Humanistic Psychology is a perspective that emphasizes examining the whole person, and the uniqueness of each individual. Humanistic psychology begins with the existential assumptions that people have free will and are motivated to achieve their potential and self-actualize.
Psychosynthesis, which is a part of Humanistic Psychology, is an original theory and a model of the psyche developed in Florence, Italy. As an inclusive approach to human growth, Psychosynthesis dates from 1911 and the early work of Italian psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli. Even though he was one of the pioneers of psychoanalysis in Italy, Assagioli maintained that Freud had not given sufficient weight to the “higher” aspects of the human personality. He thus recognized the need for a more inclusive concept of humanity. In his eyes, psychoanalysis is an ongoing task; as such, it will never end. Consequently, Psychosynthesis is — by its very nature — always open to new approaches to human development.
This course runs through SRISA's external partners at ISI. SRISA students may take up to 1 course through an external partner.