History of the Book: A Hands-on Approach
Course Info:
- Instructor: Patricia Silva
- Department: Fine Arts
- Areas: Art History, Printmaking and Book Arts
- Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 45
- Course Number (SRISA): ARTH 3302
- Course Number (Maryville University): TBA
- Prerequisite: No prerequisites are required for this course.
Course Description:
This course proposes a survey of the book from its earliest formats to the present. The course will focus on Western traditions of the book with special emphasis on the contributions of Italian artists and craftspeople. The class will be composed of theoretical lectures, slide presentations, demonstrations and hands-on experimentation. The hands-on component of this course will give students the opportunity to experience firsthand various techniques historically related to book production. Techniques which will be addressed include bookbinding, calligraphy, paper marbling, gilding and letterpress printing. Field trips to local archives, libraries, museums and artisan workshops will be organized to help illustrate the multifaceted story of bookmaking. Students will be expected to take an active participation in class.
SRISA studio courses will have personal and course materials to be purchased in Florence. Unless otherwise specified there is no need to bring consumable supplies with you. On the first day of class your professor will inform you of materials needed and where to get them in Florence.