Garment Construction I
Course Info:
- Instructor: Sophie Springer
- Department: Design
- Area: Fashion Design
- Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 90
- Course Number (SRISA): FDES 3101
- Course Number (Maryville University): ART 340
- Prerequisite: None
Course Description:
NOTE: Summer 2022 taught by visiting VCU Faculty Kimberly Guthrie and will not have a fashion show component, but finished garments will be displayed at the student show. This studio will include in-depth garment investigation and analysis as students gain skills in professional garment construction.
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This course is an introduction to basic sewing and construction skills. Fabric definition, construction, and function are studied. Students learn hand sewing and finishing, body measurements, pattern use, fabric layout and cutting as well as machine operation. Students are required to create and complete garments.
At the end of every semester, students have the opportunity to show the work they have completed throughout the semester. Students are involved in the organization of the show, everything from the invitation to the press release, from the selection of music and accessories to the model casting, from the stage managing to the creation of the outfits is done by SRISA students.
SRISA studio courses will have personal and course materials to be purchased in Florence. Unless otherwise specified there is no need to bring consumable supplies with you. On the first day of class your professor will inform you of materials needed and where to get them in Florence.