Feng Shui and Holistic Design
Course Info:
- Instructor: Kendra Gardner
- Department: Design
- Area: Architecture and Interior Design
- Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 45
- Course Number (SRISA): IDES 3202
- Course Number (Maryville University): TBA
Course Description:
Holistic Design has evolved over the centuries, utilized by many cultures and impacting the design and architecture of cities around the world, historically and still now. In this course, students will dive deep into several examples of cultures that have embraced Holistic Design theories, creating rules for design that are sensitive to the way a person experiences a space with their body, mind, and spirit. Holistic design uses a range of tools, instruments, and theories to create a deep connection between a person and their environment, an inspiring synergy that enables both great personal achievement for individuals, and for civilizations as a whole.