Electricity and Magnatism Lab (ISI)
Course Info:
- Department: Liberal Arts
- Area: Science and Mathematics
- Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 30
- Course Number (SRISA): TBA
- Course Number (Maryville University): TBA
Course Description:
This is the third and final course in the introductory Physics lab sequence. The course is intended for physics majors and also for science and engineering students who desire a more rigorous introduction to experimental science. Experiments are mainly chosen in the general area of ac and dc circuits, and electricity and magnetism. Other major components of the course include the construction of an AM radio, analysis of both random and systematic errors, working individually and with a lab partner, and writing clear lab reports.
The Lab meets for four hours each week. You should expect that roughly three hours of this time will be spent working on the lab and one hour in discussion with your instructors and other students during the lab.
Each student will be provided with a kit that includes electrical components, a breadboard or two, and a complete set of parts needed for constructing various circuits and AM radios.
Course descriptions may be subject to occasional minor modifications at the discretion of the instructor.
This course runs through SRISA's external partners at ISI. SRISA students may take up to 1 course through an external partner.