Cross-Cultural Psychology (ISI)
Course Info:
- Department: Liberal Arts
- Area: Psychology and Sociology
- Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 45
- Course Number (SRISA): PSYC 4101
- Course Number (Maryville University): TBA
Course Description:
This course will provide an overview of the basics of cross-cultural psychology, with a specific focus on Italy and its culture. Through the integration of theory and research findings with a continuous reflection on students’ lives in Florence, the course will examine the role of culture in human psychology and behavior. Special attention will be paid to topics which are relevant to the study abroad experience, including culture, ethnocentrism, acculturation, culture shock, intercultural communication, cultural views on relationships, mental health and development. Methodological issues of cross-cultural research will be addressed, and students will have the opportunity to conduct cross-cultural interviews and be participant-observers of their own experience here in Italy. The main goals will be to improve students’ understanding of cultural differences and similarities. Likewise, we shall aim to develop specific psychological abilities, such as observational and communication skills, which will help students to apply the acquired knowledge to their current experiences. The course will also promote students’ awareness of the influence that their own cultural identity and ethnocentrism play in cross-cultural situations.
This course runs through SRISA's external partners at ISI. SRISA students may take up to 1 course through an external partner.