Contemporary Italy: Literature, Cinema, Politics, and Culture
Course Info:
- Department: Liberal Arts
- Area: Political Science and Economics
- Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 45
- Course Number (SRISA): POLI 3102
- Course Number (Maryville University): PSCI 370
- Prerequisite: No prerequisite is required for this class, it is recommended for students who want to explore in depth Italian History.
Course Description:
In this course, students will study the history of Contemporary Italy from WWII and continue on to the development and the radical change of the country during the 1960’s, the long Anni Settanta and the so-called “years of lead”, and contemporary Italian politics up through most recent historical events. Introduction to major literary, cinematographic and artistic movements are covered as well as social aspects of Italian life, including topics such as the Italian political system, the development of the Italian educational system, the roots and influence of the Italian Mafia, and the changing role of women in Italian society.