Academic Policies
Obtaining Credit:
Santa Reparata International School of Art (SRISA) is affiliated with Maryville University in St. Louis, which grants credit for courses successfully completed at SRISA during Fall, Spring, and Summer academic programs.
Maryville University in St. Louis Transcript:
Students may obtain a domestic transcript through Maryville University for courses completed at SRISA. Maryville University is fully accredited through The Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Students should check with the academic advisor at their home institution for transferability of Maryville credit. For information on fees associated with obtaining a Maryville University transcript please see here.
Santa Reparata International School of Art Transcript:
All students will receive a SRISA transcript upon completion of their academic program. As SRISA is not an accredited institution, the credits on a SRISA transcript may not transfer to the student’s home institution. Students should check with the academic advisor at their home institution for transferability of SRISA credit.
Non-credit seeking students:
Not all students that study at SRISA are required to obtain a transcript. Some students may choose to take courses for personal enrichment. Those students that choose to study at SRISA as non-credit seeking students may not switch to credit-seeking status after classes have commenced. All students are required to complete coursework and attend classes.
Divisions, course numbering system, credit hours and grading system.
SRISA Course Numbering System
- ARCH: Architecture
- ARTH: Art History and Criticism
- BUSI: Business, Merchandising, Marketing
- CDES: Communication Design
- ENGL: English and Writing
- FDES: Fashion Design
- HIST: History
- HUMI: Humanities
- IDES: Interior Design
- ITAL: Italian Language
- POLI: Political Science
- PSYC: Psychology
- SART: Studio Art
- SOCI: Sociology
- STEM: Science and Mathematics
1000-2000 Lower division courses
3000-4000 Upper division courses
Lower division courses correspond to 1st and 2nd year level courses at the U.S. university level. Most of these courses do not require pre-requisites.
Upper division courses correspond to 3rd and 4th year level courses at the U.S. university level. These courses require either a pre-requisite or a placement exam. Students requesting upper division advanced courses in Studio Art or Italian Language are required to take a placement exam or obtain the approval from both the Dean’s office and the instructor.
Credit Hours:
One credit hour indicates a minimum of 50 minutes of class time per week. Most academic offerings are 3 credit hour courses, requiring 45 contact hours per semester. Studio Art courses are 3 credit hour courses that require 2 contact hours per credit hour per week for a total of 90 contact hours per semester. Semester Italian language classes are 4 credit hour courses and meet six hours per week, of which four contact hours are grammar, and two hours are language lab.
Explanation of grading system:
Hours attempted are the number of hours for which student has received a grade of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, or “F”. The Hours Earned are the credit hours for which a grade of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” or “CR” has been given.
Grades and Symbols:
All coursework completed or in-complete is recorded on student’s transcript using the following codes.
A = (4.0 grade points) Outstanding
A- = (3.7 grade points)
B+ = (3.3 grade points)
B = (3.0 grade points) Above Average
B- = (2.7 grade points)
C+ = (2.3 grade points)
C = (2.0 grade points) Average
C- = (1.7 grade points)
D = (1.0 grade point) Below average
F = (0.0 grade points) Failure
W = (0.0 grade points) ”Withdrawal” indicates that the student was passing at the time of withdrawal.
WF = (0.0 grade points) ”Withdrew Failing” indicates failure at the time of withdrawal.
I = (0.0 grade points) “Incomplete” is not offered due to the nature of the school
EX = ”Expelled.”
Grade Grievance Procedure:
Students must first attempt to resolve the matter with the Instructor with whom the grievance originated. The faculty members retain primary responsibility for assigning grades. The faculty member’s judgment is final unless compelling evidence shows discrimination, differential treatment, or factual mistake. Grievances must be filed with the Director of the school.
Release of Academic Records: SRISA transcripts and other student records are released by the office of Admissions in San Antonio, Texas only by written request from the student or by persons authorized by the student to do so.
Scholastic Dishonesty: Cheating on a test or other class work and/or plagiarism are considered to be scholastic dishonesty and subject a student to expulsion from the class.
Attendance Policy:
A student who fails to attend at least 70% of classes will receive an F for the semester. Attendance is kept by the Instructor and grade reduction or failure is at the discretion of the Instructor.
Adding and Dropping Courses:
Students may add courses through the first week of classes, or unless otherwise stated at the time of distribution of course schedules in relation to a specific term. Students wishing to add a course after this deadline must request permission in writing from both the Instructor and the Director’s office. A student may drop a class without receiving a W or a WF on their transcript within the first week of the classes. Students may withdraw from a class and receive a W or a WF until the week after the semester break. Students may not drop/withdraw from a class after this deadline. Students that cease to attend classes after this point will receive an F for the course. Students wishing to add or drop a class must submit a written request to the Director’s office. Students will not receive a refund for dropped classes. Classes that are added to student’s course load must be paid for by the end of the first week of class or the student will be dropped from the course. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their home institution about courses added or dropped.
Non-Discrimination Policy:
SRISA admits students of any race, religion, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities made available to the students at the school. SRISA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or marital, veteran, or handicapped status in administration of its educational policies, or admissions policies. All students enrolling in SRISA must have at least a high school diploma or an equivalent. Students choosing to petition their schools for credit and or wishing to apply for credit must present a college transcript and must have at least a 2.5 grade point average.
Academic Policies, Procedures, and Regulations
About Santa Reparata International School of Art (SRISA)
SRISA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit American art school located in Florence, Italy. SRISA is a non-degree granting program for study abroad students. Students have the option to pay a transcript fee in order to receive college credit from Maryville University (St.Louis, MO) for classes taken at SRISA
Student Responsibilities and Expectations
Attendance Policy:
All students attending courses at SRISA are required to attend classes regularly. Attendance is taken daily in every course and reported bi-monthly to the school’s administration. Students missing more than 30% in a course will receive an automatic “F”, failing grade for that course on their transcript. Exceptions will be made only for excused absences. For an absence to be excused a student must present a valid doctor’s note signed by the Director and presented to the instructor. Students with an excused absence will be required to complete all work, exams, and extra projects to make up for missed classes. Field trips scheduled by instructors if indicated as such on the syllabus require attendance and are considered part of the course curriculum. Attendance at these outings and events is mandatory. Students will be informed in advance of the dates, meeting times and costs associated with these activities.
Contact SRISA for further information or doubts.